原始社会亦称“原始公社”、“原始共产主义社会”。人类历史上第一个社会形态。人类产生的过程也就是原始社会形成的过程。它存在了二三百万年,是截至目前人类历史上最长的一个社会发展阶段。生产力极其低下是原始社会发展缓慢的根本原因。社会生产力的主要标志是使用石器工具。劳动的结合方式主要是简单协作,人们之间的分工主要是按性别、年龄实行的自然分工。人们单身无力同自然界进行斗争,为谋取生活资料必须共同劳动,从而决定了生产资料的共同占有。同时,人们在劳动中只能是平等的互助合作关系,产品归社会全体成员共同占有,实行平均分配。原始社会的社会组织经历了原始群和氏族公社两个发展阶段。氏族是原始社会的人们以血缘关系联结起来为特征的共同生产和生活的基本经济单位。氏族又经历了母系氏族和父系氏族两个阶段。前者表现为,妇女是氏族的主体,氏族成员的世系按母系计算,财产由母系血缘亲属继承; 后者表现为,世系按父系计算,财产按父系继承,氏族领导权落在男子手中。原始社会没有剥削,没有阶级,因而也就没有国家,一切重大问题都由全体成员参加的氏族会议作出决定原始社会是以亲族关系为基础,人口很少,经济生活采取 北京人原始人群 绩效系统不够完善 在公司目前实施绩效管理过程中,对绩效计划、沟通关注度过低,而是过于看重绩效的实施和评价结果。部门经理在根据员工计划完成情况评分时,很少针对员工计划完成情况与员工沟通其工作中的优秀与不足。难以发挥绩效对业务的指导和管控作用,不利于部门和员工的整体提升,更会影响公司目标的最终有效实现。Health is better than money, life is more important than Mount Tai. The most important thing in the rest of your life is to live your life well. To live well is to live more and more carefully, to live a high-quality life, and to live a wonderful life. The more you live, the more particular you are, that is, to pay attention to your own moral cultivation, and to pay attention to your physical and mental health. Mental health is a prerequisite for physical health, and it is especially important. If physical health is like flowers and trees, then mental health is sunshine and rain; if physical health is like tall buildings, then mental health is a solid foundation. If people want to be healthy, happy and happy, they must first have a good attitude. If you have a good state of mind, you will have a good mood; if you have a good mood, you will have a good body; if you have a good body, you will have a good life.
原始社会亦称“原始公社”、“原始共产主义社会”。人类历史上第一个社会形态。人类产生的过程也就是原始社会形成的过程。它存在了二三百万年,是截至目前人类历史上最长的一个社会发展阶段。生产力极其低下是原始社会发展缓慢的根本原因。社会生产力的主要标志是使用石器工具。劳动的结合方式主要是简单协作,人们之间的分工主要是按性别、年龄实行的自然分工。人们单身无力同自然界进行斗争,为谋取生活资料必须共同劳动,从而决定了生产资料的共同占有。同时,人们在劳动中只能是平等的互助合作关系,产品归社会全体成员共同占有,实行平均分配。原始社会的社会组织经历了原始群和氏族公社两个发展阶段。氏族是原始社会的人们以血缘关系联结起来为特征的共同生产和生活的基本经济单位。氏族又经历了母系氏族和父系氏族两个阶段。前者表现为,妇女是氏族的主体,氏族成员的世系按母系计算,财产由母系血缘亲属继承; 后者表现为,世系按父系计算,财产按父系继承,氏族领导权落在男子手中。原始社会没有剥削,没有阶级,因而也就没有国家,一切重大问题都由全体成员参加的氏族会议作出决定原始社会是以亲族关系为基础,人口很少,经济生活采取 北京人原始人群 绩效系统不够完善 在公司目前实施绩效管理过程中,对绩效计划、沟通关注度过低,而是过于看重绩效的实施和评价结果。部门经理在根据员工计划完成情况评分时,很少针对员工计划完成情况与员工沟通其工作中的优秀与不足。难以发挥绩效对业务的指导和管控作用,不利于部门和员工的整体提升,更会影响公司目标的最终有效实现。Health is better than money, life is more important than Mount Tai. The most important thing in the rest of your life is to live your life well. To live well is to live more and more carefully, to live a high-quality life, and to live a wonderful life. The more you live, the more particular you are, that is, to pay attention to your own moral cultivation, and to pay attention to your physical and mental health. Mental health is a prerequisite for physical health, and it is especially important. If physical health is like flowers and trees, then mental health is sunshine and rain; if physical health is like tall buildings, then mental health is a solid foundation. If people want to be healthy, happy and happy, they must first have a good attitude. If you have a good state of mind, you will have a good mood; if you have a good mood, you will have a good body; if you have a good body, you will have a good life.